Youth Ministry

Eastview’s Youth Ministry’s goal is to be a witness for Christ through our actions towards others. We keep our youth actively learning and engaging through local serving opportunities, attending Christian concerts, amusement park trips, church camps, and meeting weekly for fellowship and worship.

Sunday School – 9:00-9:45am downstairs
Morning Worship – 10:00-11:15 upstairs in the sanctuary

Habitat Build
ECC’s Youth was blessed with the opportunity to provide lunch for the local Habitat for Humanity build! The kids were able to meet the family, building crew, and tour the new home. This was an excellent opportunity for our youth to observe many different gifts our God uses to bless others.

End of Summer Bash – Saturday, August 10th–2-5:30 PM
All Eastview kids and their families are welcome to join us for swimming, games, food, and more! The Serious Body Builders Sunday School class is providing dinner, so bring your appetite. Please RSVP for food. Location (the McDaniel residence) 2669 Burton Lane, Martinsville. Sign up in the foyer or see Megan to RSVP. 

Haven’t submitted a Medical Release Form with us for this year? Please fill it out and bring it with you the next time you join us!

Upcoming Events