The Fellowship Team is having a short meeting after worship service to plan for the upcoming Chili Cookoff event. (In the Sanctuary) Children’s Ministry Volunteers are encouraged to attend to help plan some fun activities for the kids.
Join us after service on September 22nd for an introductory meeting about our new evangelism team. This is open to anyone interested in our evangelism efforts here at Eastview. Attending does not obligate you to join the team. Enjoy a sandwich lunch and learn about our 5 principles of evangelism.
I Surrender All by Priscilla Shirer. Inspired by themes from The Forge, now showing at theatres. An appeal to move beyond being a believer to becoming a disciple.
The 2 hour sessions will meet for 3 weeks. Ages 10 and older are welcome. Meet in the conference room. More information? Call Jackie Richardson at 317-626-8785. (Donation suggested- $5 per class/per person).The supply list is on the foyer table next to the sign-up sheet.
Family Worship Sunday- Preschool & Elementary age kids (1st—5th) will be joining their families in the Sanctuary during Worship Service on Family Worship Sunday. The toddler and infant rooms will still be available to those that need them. Busy bags/sermon sacks will be available for anyone who wants them.
I Surrender All by Priscilla Shirer. Inspired by themes from The Forge, now showing at theatres. An appeal to move beyond being a believer to becoming a disciple.
Starting in October, the class will meet the 1st and 2nd Thursday after the women’s bible study from 11:30-12:30 PM. Mini Bible Study and then will be making birthday cards for our children’s church. Jackie Richardson 317-626-8785.