Mission Statement & Values
Mission Statement
Reaching People FOR Christ and Building People up IN Christ
To reach people for Christ, and help all believers become fully devoted followers of Christ, involved in His mission to impact our community and the world.

ECC highly values the importance of preaching and teaching sound biblical doctrine which is not influenced by changing culture and worldviews. As we believe the entire Bible is inspired and inerrant, we will teach the whole word boldly, without fear. We will encourage all members to actively participate in using their gifts and talents to further the work of the church in spreading the gospel and to follow the counsel of scripture for their Christian lives.

We believe that Christians are meant to be active in the world in which God has placed us, fulfilling His desires by being salt and light. Christ uses empowered and equipped individuals to bring the unsaved to the church and the church to the community.

We want our fellowship to be authentic. Sometimes this will look like planned events and sometimes like personal time spent together as friends. We believe that God’s design for our relationships is much more than occasional greetings and passing smiles, but will involve fostering friendships that lead to growth and encouragement within our church family.

We care about our God-given role as stewards. It is our duty to be wise with the resources that God has entrusted to us through the generosity of our congregation. We wish to be an example of financial stability, responsibility, and effective generosity that honors God.

Youth Ministry
Here at ECC we set our hearts for a wholistic Youth Ministry, growing disciples in our church to set out and bridge the gap to Jesus through genuine, empathetic interaction involving families in the church body. We focus our teachings on sound doctrine and obedience to God to fill our youth with truth in the fullness of God in ways that teach how it can be integrated and applied into their lives. We want to pursue Christ alongside our youth throughout their struggles showing them their strengths and God-given talents, creating a true, genuine and intimate relationship with God. We will encourage youth to embrace their true identity in Christ and connect fully to the whole church body while serving it in important and integral ways.

Jesus tells us to go and make disciples of all nations. As Christ’s ambassadors, our Eastview family should feel an urgency and responsibility to be “salt and light” as we not only defend our faith, but also apply it to our daily lives. We want our members to be equipped to stand against worldly views, to reject “hollow and deceptive philosophies,” and to feel confident in presenting Jesus as Truth in a hostile culture.

Valuing newcomers should be a reality at Eastview. We desire to provide them with a warm community and one–on–one connections. We want our members to look for opportunities to offer hospitality and provide a listening ear to visitors and newcomers.

At ECC we are united in acknowledging the value of prioritizing specific, persistent prayer for the needs and good of our congregation, community and world. Knowing prayer is a gift from God as His way of connecting ourselves and the church to Himself, we set our hearts on repentance and express gratitude and praise to our Lord who promises to hear and answer us.