Rick’s Reflection’s- 12/20/2015


This year we have been focusing on our Christmas “Giving Tree” project toward Open Arms Ministry and the work being done there by Marty & Shelia Corey, Nancy Dameron and their staff. Thank you for encouraging them in this way.

There is a much more significant way Christ followers can get involved in the lives of the disadvantaged children. Both Open Arms & New Song Mission are in need of people who will take on either foster parenting or house parenting roles. This is a very demanding call to service and not for everyone. But if you have ever thought of this type of ministry now is a good time to check it out.

You can find Open Arms ministry opportunities at www.openarmschristian.com

New Song Mission Is Seeking House parents! Have you and your spouse sensed God calling you into full-time Christian ministry? Do you as a couple have a burden for at-risk youth? If so, then perhaps you would want to prayerfully consider learning more about becoming full-time missionary house parents at the children’s home campus of New Song Mission, located in beautiful Brown County. Please visit www.NewSongMission.org/houseparent for more information.

Whatever you do please pray for the at-risk youth and for those who are trying to bring the love of Christ to them.

Merry Christmas,
