Rick’s Reflections- 12/1/2019


Today as we focus on Paul’s prayer for the church, I would like to add a   prayer written by Klyne Snodgrass that summarizes our text in a beautiful way.  Then I would ask you to form your own prayer for the church after  reflecting on this text.



God our Father,

We acknowledge that we and every other person has his or her origin in you.  We owe you our lives.

Forgive us for the arrogance of thinking we are better or more important than other people.

Let your Spirit work in us to strengthen us.  We want your Spirit to merge with ours.

Make the presence of Christ so real that we sense your love and live from your love.

Help us understand how deep your love is so that it changes us into your very image.

You who are all powerful beyond anything we can conceive, we praise you.   Every accolade of worth we throw at your feet.  You alone are God.  From your worth all other worth is determined.

For the gift of life in Christ we and all your people worship you.  Together and forever we will sing your praise.  Amen.