Rick’s Reflections- 10/20/2019


As we continue to explore our emotional and spiritual maturity,  we come face to face with the issue of control.  This is for most people a very big deal.  One of the biggest causes of anxiety and worry is lacking a sense of control says many mental health professionals.  While it is true that we must face the fact that we are not really in control of very much, the answer to the problem  is not found in mind control, but in God control.  Instead of emptying ourselves of all thought and feelings as Buddhism teaches, we would do well to simply acknowledge that God is in control and that we can trust Him.

Out text this morning reminds us that Jesus when facing the agony of the cross, said “not my will but yours be done.”  When he was honest with His own feelings, “if you are willing, take this cup from me,” He yielded the will of His Father.  It is no surprise, and to our great benefit, that the Father did not remove the cup of suffering, but did “strengthen Him”.  He was not spared the trial, but was supplied with sufficient strength to endure.  When we give up trying to control what only He can, and trust Him, He will             supply us with everything we need.  One of my favorite hymns growing up was, Trust and Obey!  It really does lead to emotional and spiritual maturity.

