Nathan’s Notes- 3/18/2018


I’m particularly eager to hear today’s sermon. Rick will be speaking to us on the very important topic of Communion. Over the years, this ceremony has been called by a number of different names: The Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion, the Eucharist. But the purpose has always been the same: to join together as the family of God and remember the great sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This practice takes us back to the very reason we call God our Father and even our very purpose and mission on earth! I think we can all see how important it is, not only that we practice communion, but that we understand it.

Because we are speaking on such an important topic today, we’d like to take the opportunity to do a few things differently. Communion will be observed AFTER the sermon today. Rather than plates being passed, we invite you to come forward and partake of the trays in the front of the sanctuary when you feel you are ready. If you fear mobility issues will be a problem, there will be someone happy to serve you at your seat. In addition to a different kind of communion service, we’d like to change the way we do offering as well. Rather than passing trays, there will be places in the lobby to leave any tithes or gifts.

We thank you for worshiping with us today. My prayer is that this service will help us all better understand the sacrifice of Christ and the communion we have with the Father through Him.