Nathan’s Notes- 2/11/2018


For the past several weeks we’ve been examining a very important topic: the Gospel of Christ. We’ve talked about what it is, how to live by it, and how necessary it is in our lives, both individually and as a society. Today, we will conclude with a passage we began two weeks ago, 1 Samuel 8. This is a story that acts as a sort of case study for what we’ve been talking about. The Israelites of the Old Testament frequently rejected the truth and rule of God, very similar to how our society largely rejects the Gospel of Christ today.

Although we have been talking about all the negative aspects of a society that rejects God, I hope to end today with an encouraging thought: every follower of Christ is capable of serving Him no matter what our external circumstances. This is the power of our conviction and of the truth of our Savior. He has not only called us to live and serve, but has enabled us to do it through His strength.