Rick’s Reflection’s- 7/3/2016


As we celebrate our nation’s birthday let us remember why God allowed or better yet ordained our existence.  In the story line of time God has used this nation to be a very powerful influence for good.  However, we have had our share of failings and perhaps the biggest of these is the turning away of our foundational values.  We have over the years drifted from a civilization based on biblical concepts to a pluralistic society where everyone’s ideas of truth and right and wrong are all to be accepted as having equal value.  This has caused a great tension and has led to a fractured society.  In these troubling times it is the church’s responsibility to be “salt and light” in every level of our interaction with the world.  Besides sharing the good news of the gospel we must live out a genuine love of all of our neighbors.  This is one of Christianity’s most pressing tasks.  Shalom is God’s justice being fully present in all       dimensions of life.  We need to embody an ethic of love and justice, especially toward the weak and most vulnerable.  It is time for the church to once again erupt as a movement for love & justice.  As Christians we are called to make Jesus’ ideas of the Kingdom a reality today.  We must cultivate communities of healing, help and hope, exemplifying God’s concern for all.  Let’s pray and work towards this end.  And as we observe the fireworks let’s think of the celebrating that goes on in Heaven every time a lost soul is led home.  Luke 15:10

