Rick’s Reflections- 2/12/2017


We have been wrestling with the concept of living with an eternal perspective. It is a biblical concept for sure. Verses like “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” – Colossians 3:2 and the reminder that this life is like a vapor and passing wind (James 4:14) get our attention. We are encouraged to “number our days.” Psalm 90:12. If you would live to 70, you would have approximately 25,550 days on this earth, for most of us we have used up most of that. This earth has a way of captivating us to a place where we get caught up in the temporal and lose sight of the eternal. To be eternally minded means that we think beyond our small context of each day and look beyond ourselves to the larger picture, outside of time to eternity.  The real question we must ask is what are you spending your life for? On a day to day basis what you are spending your time, money, resource towards? This life can only be lived once and then we will be in eternity, it is crucial for us to decide now if our life will count for eternity in a significant and real way.

Jesus tells us of a parable of a rich farmer (Luke 12:13-21). This farmer lived a life spent on self, luxury and without an eternal perspective. This life is passing us by, let us make each day count for eternity. It is your choice. Spend your life on what matters.

