Rick’s Reflections- 2/19/2017


Over these past weeks, we have been challenged to take a good look at our lives and the perspective with which we view everything. I ran across this prayer in some writings by Os Guinness that spoke to me about how we might with an eternal perspective see our relationship with our Lord.

O Lord our God, you are the one true God, beside whom there is no other. In you alone lies our trust, our salvation and our hope. We do not trust ourselves, we cannot save ourselves, and our hope is not in ourselves. To stake our existence in the vastness of the cosmos anywhere other than in you is folly, and to seek for strength and wisdom apart from you in the hazardous journey of life is madness. Be to us, small and sinful though we are, all that you can be, so that, brought to life by your grace, strengthened by your power and warmed by your love, we may trust you with our whole hearts as your faithfulness and covenant loyalty so richly deserve. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Trusting in Him we can live here and now in a way that matters. Let’s strive for that “Uncommon Life”.

