Nathan’s Notes- 8/5/2018


Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” When was the last time you felt weary and burdened? For me, it was just this past week. I had been having some lawn mower troubles, so my grass was exceptionally tall. When it finally stopped raining I undertook the huge task of cutting it. Before I could do this, I did the trim and had to clean out my mower deck and replace a belt. By the time I started cutting the grass, I was already tired. It didn’t help that the grass was long and some places were very wet. My mower probably got clogged up close to a dozen times. Finally, about 9PM, I was able to go in, get a shower, and eat dinner. Needless to say I was ready to dig up my whole yard and pave over it with concrete.


However, when Jesus talks about being weary, He is not referring so much to the material struggles of this world, but the spiritual ones. I’m sure that at some point you’ve felt spiritually weary. Perhaps when you had struggled with the same sin over and over and seemed unable to rise above it. Or maybe you tried to be good enough to earn God’s favor, only to realize that you always fall short.
It is because of these things that Jesus says, “Come to ME“. Because we do not have to do it on our own. This is the spiritual equivalent of Jesus pulling into my driveway with a bush-hog to help handle my yard problems. It’s in Him that we find the rest and  support that we need.