Rick’s Reflections- 9/27/2015


We have been blessed by God to be in a position of influence in our community at a very critical time. The Bridges Out of Poverty initiative that gave birth to the Stability First organization has as a realistic goal making a difference in the lives of our friends and neighbors by addressing all aspects of poverty alleviation. I am proud of Eastview’s efforts and want to say a few words about that. The   existence of poverty is unmistakably a faith issue. This task alleviating poverty calls for collaboration with all who share the same commitment.

One of the measures of our faithfulness to God is the extent to which our lives are lives of compassion and service, especially to those most in need. Our faith is deeply personal but never intended to be private. Our treatment of the poor, the stranger, the outcast, the marginalized, the widow and the orphan vital, it is inherent in the very living out of the faith.

Overcoming poverty involves both acts of direct service to alleviate the outcome of poverty and advocacy to change those structures that result in people living in poverty. We have the means to make a significant difference in our community, the question is do we have the will to do it.

This fall we will be hosting a Bible study that will focus on a comprehensive dialogue that is aimed at helping all of us understand how we can reach out and make a difference. The class will be offered on Wednesday nights starting in late October. Be watching for more details.
