Rick’s Reflections- 3/6/2016


We are blessed today to have the opportunity to hear a word from God through a dear brother whom the Lord has lead to be a part of our Eastview family.  Steve Moody and his lovely wife Sandy are both dedicated servants of Christ and we are already gaining the benefits of their fellowship with us.

Steve has jumped in with both feet and besides seeing him in the pulpit today you have already seen him at the front door.  He is also part of our outreach team reaching out to the men at Manna Mission as well as serving on the Lynay Center Advisory Board.

God is doing some very special things in our midst and He is deploying His troops for a special mission.  Make sure you are praying about the part He wants you to play in this great adventure.  Remember, our lives find their fullest meaning as we follow Jesus’ call to realign ourselves to His call, to join Him in advancing the    Kingdom.

Moving Forward in Faith,
