Rick’s Reflections- 2/21/2016


Most people get a little uncomfortable when the message is about money.  That’s ok, because even though it is very personal, it is also very important to our spiritual growth.  We are compelled to address our finances as part of our faith journey.  We cannot miss the prominence of the subject in Jesus’ teaching.

As we discuss “Realigning” our lives with His it is important to get His prospective on every aspect of our lives.  Amazing things can happen when we trust what the Bible says and in faith follow its guidance.  I know from personal experience what a difference it makes when we surrender our finances to God.  I am speaking both personally for me and my family and also for the church as we have witnessed God’s faithful supply to our investment into His kingdom.

So lets be honest about his subject and seek the Lord’s leading.  It is clear that a dysfunctional relationship with people, God or money will only bring us pain and stress.  He wants us to come into alignment with Him and if we are willing the blessings are real. We have many in this body of believers who can testify to what I am saying.  Partner with God and you will be surprised at the return on investment.
