Rick’s Reflections- 2/24/2019


Last week we spent some time thinking about the Apostle John’s comments to Gaius in III John. He spoke of the fact that he had “no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”  As a body of believers Eastview has had the joy of seeing many of its “children” grow up and go out to make a difference in the world for the Kingdom of God. Today we are blessed to have one of those kids come home for a visit. Jeremiah Smith and his family are here to share with us how God has been leading them and using them in a vital ministry to young people in Africa.

I hope that seeing and hearing from Jeremiah will be an encouragement to all our dedicated youth leaders and teachers that your labor of love will lead to amazing results if we trust Him and remain faithful to our calling. Maybe today as a congregation we can be reminded of the impact we are having for the Kingdom. A walk down memory lane is helpful once in awhile to show us that what we are doing really matters and that sometimes the fruit of the labor is outside our ability to comprehend. God is at work in the world and He is using us. Our Kingdom impact is equal to the number of people we reach for Christ and Build up in Christ. In Heaven some day we will see better, but in the meantime, lets keep reaching and building and trust God for the results. Allow me to ask again last Sunday’s closing questions; What kind of church do you want to be part of? What part are you willing to play?

Jeremiah, we are proud of you and thankful for your faithfulness to the call. Keep up the good work and our prayers go with you.

