Rick’s Reflections- 1/26/2020


Next time you’re in an airport notice the difference between passengers who have confirmed tickets and those on standby. Those who have confirmed tickets are relaxed, their confident and expectant. Those on standby hang around the ticket counter, they pace and worry because of uncertainty. God offers us freedom from the burden of uncertainty, so we can know for sure where we stand with God.

Dr. Jerome Frank at Johns Hopkins talks about our “assumptive world.” What he means is that all of us make assumptions about life, about God, about ourselves, about others, about the way things are. He goes on to argue that when our assumptions are true to reality, we live relatively happy, well-adjusted lives. But when our assumptions are distant from reality, we become confused and angry and disillusioned.

It makes you think: What assumptions am I making that are “true to reality?” And what assumptions am I making that are not “true to reality?” Our text today says, “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.”

We can be certain of our eternal destiny. We can be certain, not because of who we are or what we’ve done, but because of who Jesus is and what He has done for you on the cross. He died on the cross for YOUR sins and mine. Then He rose again. And now, He offers eternal life to anyone who will accept and respond to this good news! I hope you are one of the assured. If not, let’s talk.

