Nathan’s Notes- 4/2/2017


I must admit that this series of sermons is very sad, but understandably so. There’s no happy way to talk about our Savior in anguish before His death. There’s no cheerful way to explain that God the Son was abandoned by His best friend. There’s no delightful way to say that the most innocent man ever to live received the most unfair trial in history. Studying the life of Christ is not all pleasant stories.
The good news is that, although the Gospels have ups and downs (and right before the crucifixion account, there are many downs), we know that they end on a wonderful note. We find that in many aspects, the Christian life is similar. We live in ups and downs, good and bad, things go our way and then things go south quickly. But the good news is that Christ promises that if we will follow Him in His resurrection things will end wonderfully.
Romans 8:18- “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”
Today, we study a passage that is filled with sorrow, injustice, and irony; but if we know what is to come, we are also filled with hope and joy, because in Christ injustices are all made right again.
